Luxembourg’s German Bar Association Holds Inaugural Event

On Monday, June 27, Luxembourg’s German Bar Association (Deutscher AnwaltVerein in Luxemburg; a.k.a. DAV Luxemburg) held its first official event since being established last year. Over 50 legal professionals were in attendance for an entertaining evening of introductions, speakers and networking hosted at BIL.

The Association’s arrival has been well received due to the number of German-speaking lawyers working in the Grand Duchy and the lack of organizations dedicated to the German-Luxembourgish legal community.

At the inaugural event, Former Justice Minister François Biltgen gave a speech about the European Court of Justice and its specific impacts on national law. Rosario Grasso, President of the Luxembourg Bar Association, touched upon cooperation within the local legal community and its links to colleagues working in Germany, as well as the increasing number of lawyers within the German Bar Association who practice in Luxembourg.

With a focus on sharing ideas, networking and learning, DAV Luxemburg hopes to host multiple events a year on relevant themes, such as German and Luxembourgish company and insolvency law. Certain upcoming conferences will be organized in cooperation with the Saarländischer Bar Association. Eventually, it wants to provide network-wide benefits to its official members, of whom there are already 20.

Kaufhold & Réveillaud, Avocats spearheaded the process of bringing the Deutscher AnwaltVerein to Luxembourg and has a prominent role in the organization: lawyers Charles Kaufhold and Brigitte Czoske are its President and Vice President, respectively. They will continue representing DAV Luxemburg across the network at association events throughout Germany and Europe.

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